HiDomainer - Domain Management Script - Document

Registrar, Category and BIN Platform Config


Please use English word for the registrar name (without spaces and special symbols), one per line, and then save.

Domain Category

Please use English word for the category name (without spaces and special symbols), one per line, and then save.

BIN Platform:

Please use English word for the bin platform name (without spaces and special symbols), one per line, and then save.

Data Format: Platform name@Num1@Num2@CSV Line Template@CSV Header Line

For Buy Now Domains:

The Platform BIN Price = Price * Num1

The Platform Min Offer Price = Price * Num2

What is CSV Line Template and CSV Header Line?

For example:

When we list our domains to DAN.COM, we can upload a csv file to bulk add it.

The Header Line of this Csv file is "Domain name,buy now,starting offer"

and the the domain data line is "hidomainer.com,100000,80000"(this means buynow price is 100000 and min offer is 8000)

{domain} = Domain

{binprice} = Buy Now Price

{minoffer} = Minimum Offer

So for dan.com, the csv header line is "Domain name,buy now,starting offer"

and CSV Line Template is "{domain},{binprice},{minoffer}"
